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ASK Language Services Ltd is a company with activities in two main areas: (1) Recruiting TEFL qualified English language teachers on behalf of educational institutions overseas, by inviting applicants to a professional interview at locations in Cambridge, and (2) Providing consultancy and help to foreign students who wish to study in the UK.


ASK Language Services Ltd keeps personal information belonging to 3 different groups of people:


1.  TEFL teachers applying for a job overseas


2.  TEFL Expert Interviewers


3.  prospective students requiring information about and/or assistance with finding a place at a UK school or university.


1.  TEFL teachers applying for a job overseas


Personal information belonging to people in this group is sent to ASK Language Services Ltd by the applicants themselves in response to a job advertisement. Their CVs are stored in an encrypted system in our office. These CVs are reproduced without the applicant’s surname and contact details and sent to the Interviewers and the Client Institution. The successful Candidate’s full details are sent to the Client Institution after the successful Candidate has signed a consent form allowing ASK Language Services Ltd to do this. CVs belonging to the rest of the applicants are kept in an encrypted system until the end of the interview process and are destroyed straight after the recruitment has been finalized. The successful Candidate’s details are destroyed after 6 years, in accordance with the Limitation Act 1980.


2.  TEFL Expert Interviewers


The personal information of the Expert Interviewers is kept in an encrypted system in our office and never shared with a third party. This information is destroyed if and when a request is made by the Interviewer to remove their details from the database.


3.  Prospective students requiring information about and/or assistance with finding a place at a UK school or university


Personal information belonging to individuals in this group is kept in an encrypted system until the end of the guardianship/guidance provided by ASK Language Services Ltd. Individuals receive help and advice from ASK Language Services Ltd with regard to finding the right educational setting but they make the application to UCAS or a secondary school themselves. At the end of this formal relationship, their personal information is destroyed.



Individuals in all 3 categories, who allow us keep their personal information are expected to notify us in writing if and when they believe that this information is incorrect or incomplete.


If and when the ASK Language Services Ltd Privacy Policy is updated due to changes enforced by the lawmaker, all existing Client Institutions, Student Applicants and Expert Interviewers will be informed of the changes.


ASK Language Services Ltd will not make any use of personal information that is inconsistent with the original purpose(s) for which is was collected or obtained.



Restrictions on the use of the ASK Language Services Ltd website


As a condition of the use of the ASK Language Services Ltd website, users agree to the following:


  1. Not to cause nor allow others to cause any offence or nuisance to ASK Language Services Ltd, its staff or any other person;

  2. not to use the website to transmit or post any defamatory, offensive, obscene or threatening material, or any material that is illegal or infringes upon the intellectual property or other rights of ASK Language Services Ltd or of a third party;

  3. not to use or misuse the features or functionality of the ASK Language Services Ltd website;

  4. not to attempt to gain unauthorized access to the ASK Language Services Ltd website through hacking, password mining or any other means;

  5. not to attempt to obtain materials or information not intentionally made available through the website.



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